Thursday, November 15, 2007

First Post in November

It's been quite a long time I didn't blog. Anyone miss me? hahaha!

I went Sematan after my final exam for the second semester. And then I moved to new house. And something unhappy happened. I was hesitating to tell or not to tell the story. K la...... I briefly talk 'bout the story.
I ended-up living alone in that 'BIG' house.

Too brief?

I ended-up living alone in the house because Mian was brought away by her aunt.

Still too brief?
K lar, the story is like this: Mian and I had an agreement to stay together in the house my dad rent. Listen carefully, it was she who wanted to live with me at first, not I went and begged her to stay with me. I did ask again and again whether she confirmed to stay with me. I could still remember she said "I've promised you, I won't runaway". Till the 2-3 days before moving, I asked again, "you sure you staying with me right?" "Yes". However, till the night I was busy packing my stuff with a happy mood to move out from that prison-like Swinburne hostel, she's still doing something else till I got a bad feel that she's not going to stay with me for long. Anyway, she did moved in with me on that day and she stayed for a night with me even. Till the next day, I back from breakfast, I saw her bedroom was empty. Her aunt brought her away, with a saying that her aunt will take care of her. FINE! I had prepared this tragedy earlier. I didn't cry until my uncle asked where was my roomate just then I said it out bravely. After that, a strong feel to cry. Cry for my bad luck and her, staying under her aunt's control, unwillingly.

Anyway, I don't mean to hate anyone. Mian was in a more terrible situation than me. Just take it as ~I'm bad luck~

After crying for the whole sunday afternoon, Jeff brought me to Banquet to have our dinner.

Can see my eyes were still swelling after a big cry^^

I had honeydew juice and pumpkin soup that night.

Jeff had lamb chop and plain water.

p/s: Really feel #$%^&@ to lost a good roommate like Mian since I've sleeping with her for the past half a year. It's hard to have a really good roommate who can stay with you, and have good attitude.

1 Potato Chips:

cheerrliingg said...

heylo. hehe. was clicking here and dere and somehow came across ur blog. =)