Friday, February 15, 2008

Proud to Be the Happiest Girl in the World

Date: 14 February 2008; Valentine's Day
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: Merdeka Palace ( Just can't remember the restaurant's name cuz it's an Italian restaurant. Italian names are hard to remember^^)
Invited by: Jeff

Table decoration.

Heart-shape bread.

My Earl Grey Tea.

Jeff's hot chocolate.



Jeff's main course: Beef

My main course: Fish


Why am I just always busy eating?



p/s: Thanks for making me like a princess. Muoio dalla voglia di stare con te, mio amore.

3 Potato Chips:

Anonymous said...

damn sweet + romance dinner !!
so nice...meli so suan a!
when is ma turn ..? XD

*i don hav an acc make gonna leave comment using "anonymous" ...aizz

Anonymous said...

the restaurant's called Beccari fyi. not that hard to remember heh...

Unknown said...

hi girl,

is the food nice?
expensive or not?

wish to celebrate my bf's bday there.

do reply me to my email

thanks a lot.