Hello? You there?
I've back to mummy's and daddy's here. However, I found out their pc aren't working properly.
All these problems occur after I install an antivirus software and I swear I downloaded the software from a reliable website.
After all, I can't
1. Check my Hotmail inbox;
2. Watch Youtube;
3. Log in my Blackboard;
4. Make online ticket booking;
5. Blog; and I guess there are lots more which I've not discovered them out.
How can i live without them?

Everything loaded fine, just that sweet little square doesn't there for me to watch it! I've tried different videos, not only chinese ones.
After I've typed my ID numbers and passwords and pressed "Enter". It says "No authentication credentials were provided with the request".

Can you see the pictures? I don't know how to make it enlarged after readers click on it.
Someone told me that the pc is infected by virus called "vundo". Is it true?
Can you help me please???? Anyway, I know I've not been blogging that frequently and being an irresponsible blogger, I should not aspect many of you to tell me the solutions.
p/s: I'm using my dad's notebook to write this blog. Luckily the pc still can view blogs and I can keep updating with the advices you'll be giving.
0 Potato Chips:
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