It was my first date with Jeff..... after I back from holidays in Bintulu. We went McD then watch The Dark Knight. Before we left from home, I cried. Do not ask me why. I was just like sot sot.
I need yoga to balance my emotion!!!
Ah! Jeff's car was in my fingers! Ngiap flat flat!
I paint my fingers myself. Blue~
Call me BNP, Big Nose Potato.
p/s: Who know any place to do yoga in Kuching? I want somwhere that go once pay once. With good environment too.
Please tell me! Before I'm fat like SHREK*
2 Potato Chips:
u can try out the one at 101 premier. the one above oriental pearl o smtg. they haf dance lessons and aerobics too. yoga not painful mer? tee hee. =)
ur dinner a bit like our 上海炒饭 that BNP pic..呵呵。。
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