Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swinburne Basketball Tournament 09

This was held last last week. Sorry for late post.

Champion: AceX
First runner up: Scorpions
Second runner up: Duke

Guys, look here, finally it's a post that suits your taste. Without any long sentences, let's enjoy the pics. The pics can tell story.

Photo by Lance

Everyone screamed for this 3 points.

Blackies got the better elasticity to jump higher.


It's Jeff. The black shoe's.

The one shooting was Norman Chong.

Ngie Wee.

Jeff's shooting.

Dennis and Jeff

Second runner-up: Duke

Photo by Lance

p/s: Please look at each photo very detail. It really tells story.

2 Potato Chips:

Unknown said...

Wuuu....thanks for promoting me XD

Potato said...

I grabbed the photos from you~