Friday, May 1, 2009

Breeze Party I

We went to Breeze Party at Victoria Arms last night. I wanna watch fashion show by the Breeze models but when I reached, it's over! So disappointed!

Well...... I'm so happy I saw Jimmy Chin. (I know you'll start saying I'm stupid to be happy just because of saw Jimmy.) I was so happy I walked over and say 'hi' to him and managed to into myself. But then the place he sat was so closed to the speakers and I couldn't hear what he said and he couldn't hear what i said. So, I walked off again after 30 seconds.

I could remember the first time I saw him in real life was 1-2 years ago at Boulevard Sushi King Sushi-eating Contest. Anyway, I saw Kenny Sia more often in The Spring but I'm not as excited because I don't read his blog!

It was my dream to watch fashion show so I went this Breeze Party. Who knows I arrived late and the scene was getting more and more like clubbing. =.=" I'm waiting the professional photographers and bloggers to post the fashion show pics.

More pictures of my friends and I will be posted up later.

1 Potato Chips:

jimmychin said...

very happy saw u too :)