Sunday, September 19, 2010

Contact lense infection

Desire Big Eyes (Gray) and orange wig. Looking great?


This is my first time getting eye infection due to contact lense problem. I thought I'm hygiene and careful enough. I couldn't believe I'm still having red eye.

I swear I never purchase contact lense online cuz I think they are not safe enough, normally manufacturer and certificates are unknown. And I bought this Desire contact lense from optical shop. At least you gotta sell something passed examination and verified certificates in your shop, right?

Ya, Desire contact lense. The salesgirl said this is new stock got promotion so I bought. Not much I can describe this brand but recently I just found that the ambassadors were local young models, Cindy Chen and Ben Sim. I was like "wtf they can't even afford to hire local celebrities Fish Leong or Gary Chow mer?"

This is my first pair of color lense. I am really really very careful in taking care of it cz I want to keep it for 3 months. I bought it so that I could wear it together with my wig which made me looked more Wonder Girl. That was my last time (28 August) wearing it before I wear it again today. And, ya, as you've seen, one of my eye got infected.

If it doesn't recover on the next morning, I gotta go to see doctor. Wish me good luck then.

1 Potato Chips:

Shirley Q said...

OMG!!! so serious! you dint go back to the shop to complain?